
Hello and welcome to my Dead Dreams, a diary that gets into my head and turfs out the Dreams and nightmares. Poetry, thoughts, stories, dreams and conversation will be commonly found on my page, Or, if you find me boring, head on over to Julies Gems one off the funniest sites on the blogspot.

Good Luck Keeping up!

Friday 30 December 2011

This is SO confusing.

My life is so complicated at the moment.

I'm single, but I'm not.
I'm getting better, but I'm not.
I'm in love, but I'm not.
I'm writing more, but I'm not.
I'm happier, But I'm not.

I'm just a bunch of contradictions. (But I'm not.)

Lost yet?
Yeah me to.

Sunday 25 December 2011


Merry christmas/boring Sunday to you all.

The skull and key necklace are from my gran, and the black neclace is Aunty-Jane made! :D

I will upload anything else if and when I get them.

What did you guys get?

Thursday 22 December 2011

He Can.

He can be loyal,
He can be a toad,
He can be as slow as a turtle,
He can be to fast for logic,
He can be amazing,
He can be insane,
He can be smart,
He can be Naive,
He can be sensational,
He can be legendary,
He can be loud,
He can be a headache,
He can be a softy,
He can be bubbly,
He can be down,
He can be anything.
He can be that one guy that you really really need,

And he will be there! 

He is Wacko.

He is my best friend, and the loyalist person I know.

And in times like these, He is extraordinary.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Dead Dreams on FaceBook!

YEs I got my furry arse round an made a facebook Page.


Feel Free to Like!
I'm going to post little extras and links to the blogs on here as they go up.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

This boy.

This boy is loyal.
This boy is a fighter.
This boy is comforting.
This boy is a troller.
This boy is smart.
This boy is sensible.
This boy is kind.
This boy is thoughtful.
This boy is lovely.
This boy is legendary.
This boy is quiet.
This boy is loud.
This boy is soft.
This boy rages.
This boy shouts.
This boy puts others first.
This boy helps.

This boy is RyRy.

This boy is my right hand man.

And on nights like these, this boy is amazing.

Survival sever

Ok so I have a survival server 

Then I let Pinky and patch on it...

on the same server. awesome.

Friday 16 December 2011


Watching an ex good friend hugging the school joker. They're going out. It just doesn't seem right. I can't complain, nor judge, she seems happy. And protected. He won't let other people near her... I just thought I knew her...
Apparently I thought wrong. Very wrong.
How was I ever part of that group? Was I ever?
I don't know...
Its just so strange.

So im sitting in the nerd center...

... on the last (half) day before school. Wanna see my view?
(Spot the guys that pissed me off)
(Oh and it snowed breifly earlier. Whoop de doo.)

Thursday 15 December 2011

Go get a life.

That's my message to the twats at school, that think they can switch my friendship on and off as they want it. Simple answer - go get a goddamn life! Oh wait, you are all as ugly as crap and would rather spend your lives in video games. Good luck with that. I do not care about any of you, you've stabbed me in the back to many times. Any loyalty I had is gone, and I hope at some point I get the chance to show you what you've done to me.

Wait till I get my chance. Trust me, and just wait.

You shouldn't worry about me getting angry. Because truely I am the least of your worrys. You made me cry. And I know that given the chance Ry will live up to his threats. And Teddy, with Grew in the rusty spoon, would probably help him.

Oh, Don't look at me like I'm a vindicative bitch reader! It took Teddy singing a good song to make me smile! And then Shout! almost went down the shitter, but that's proof of why I don't like relos within the Shout! group. Shit gets sticky. But I won't take RyRy's happiness away from him, ever, I love him to much to hurt him. I love all my brothers to much.

But then, I'd hope that they love me as a sister too.

Wacko does.

RyRy does (most of the time ;)

Danneh does, he can't hate his Keeper,

Teddy... well Teddy's Teddy, he likes who he wants, when he wants. I think its not going to far from the truth to say that I haven't pissed him off too bad- yet- and that he likes me enough to punch whatever nutter that hurts me in the face.

So yeah. Pinky, Patch, Kit Kat and Action Man, need to just keep away and be civil.

Ha! No chance.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Interesting few days.

I was off school Monday, and got a surprise visit from my dad, which didn't end well. Tuesday I had CHICKEN pizza with Merp, so bye bye vegetarianism.
Today I've had a shitty day, killer stomach cramps (I've taken two paracetamol).
I promise to try and update more!! Buh most stuff is going on my diary blog, which I'm not sharing...

Monday 5 December 2011

My many Minecraft skins

Thought I'd chuck these up here!
Holy Dragon egg <3

Normal Front

Normal Back

Christmas front

Christmas closeup

Christmas back

Halloween/ninja back

Halloween/ninja closeup

Halloween/ninja front

These are taken on my tester creative world <3

Sunday 4 December 2011

Pig shaped pigs and killer forks

Just two of the things I bumped into today at archery.
I apologize for not updating you all! I mean I got a new laptop Wednesday, found my memory stick....
Pretty boring actually.

Friday 2 December 2011

Its the little things...

Like when you make a good friend smile, by getting the timing of a text just right. When your friend sends you a heart and tells you "wuv you sis" out of the blue. When your friends start a random word fight and even the mature one joins in. When your dad says something and you both respond with a line, from the same song, at the same time, and end up singing the whole song. When your about to ask for a drink and someone hands you a bottle of lucozade and chocolate. When you realize you're closer than you think.

When I realize I get people watching this blog...

Thursday 1 December 2011

Sore sore sore

Ok here's what hurts:
Throughts sore,
Arse hurts,
Hair feels like its been pulled out,
Wrists have marks on them,
Knees hurt.
No I haven't been shagging or taking part in bondage. This is just me.
Dull day. I feel positivly dead, but I'm warm and entertained so its alllll good. A big shout and happy December to all off my random followers in other countrys! Tanzania, Germany, my guys in the uk, USA and the ones I know I've missed. Wow this years gone faaaastttt, before I know it it will be May again and I'll be celebrating Wackos birthday!
Oh wellz, hi and bye guys!